Featured Project

The design is based on Internet Protocol and web services. Structured data cabling (or managed wireless Ethernet) are typically used for connectivity, but legacy infrastructure can also be catered for. This is a reliable system proven in commercial deployments under 24/7 operating conditions.
Pilot is a versatile entertainment, information and digital signage solution, which can be customised to most enterprise requirements. Ultimately, one of the most successful implementations today is the aged care resident engagement and video information system for Southern Cross Care (Victoria).
This is a purpose-built solution, which facilitates the delivery of many important services in an aged care facility.
1. Resident and visitor information
This services package consists of modular applications, which can be picked and customised for a given operator as required. For example, it may include Announcements, Activities , Weather, Dining Menu, Location, etc. Thanks to our metadata-driven web services concept, most system applications can be location- and audience- specific. Dining menu can be managed/uploaded by a chef using an iPad; no IT training is necessary.
2. Resident Entertainment
This may include Live TV, Radio (including all new digital radio stations), in-house video channels (e.g. chapel camera feed), Video On-Demand and TV/video recording.
3. Social and family media sharing
Every user of the system has an account with securely managed set of entitlements. This enables families, administrators and aged care specialists alike to share photos and videos from their databases and mobile devices.
4. Media aids for treatment programs
This is a subset of our media management functionality customized to the specialists’ requirements (e.g. dementia)
5. Compliance reporting
This includes the ability to export data from the system database and generate various reports.
Omniscreen Pilot™by CombiTel enhances the quality of aged care services by providing residents with a simple-to-use, engaging and empowering information and entertainment system. This is further enhanced by our aged care specific remote controls that are comfortable, easy and enjoyable to use. Our streamlined system allows staff to focus on client care and wellbeing, by reducing the required IT management by 50%. Serving both single and multi-site facilities, our solution advances aged care quality and operations, while reducing management, infrastructure and paper waste costs.
Please contact us for more information about our solutions for Aged Care industry.